Asbury Mt. Olive United Methodist Church is an inclusive faith community that shares the abundant love and hospitality of Christ with its neighbors. AMO has a rich tradition and heritage that has enriched the community of Topeka for years. Here at AMO our mission is to:
Empower people spiritually, culturally, and educationally in order to uplift the community and build up the kingdom of God.
We are a church "without walls" and we seek to meet the relevant needs of the community and AMO members. As a connectional church that lives out its mission with other faith communities, our greatest desire is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
We look forward to meeting you and sharing this wonderful journey of kingdom building with you!
Blessings, Pastor Harry
Pastor's Moment
Dear Friends,
Over the next few months, we will learn about what it means to be a "vital congregation" and how we can more fully live into our mission as the body of Christ. Vital congregations are
Spirit-filled, forward-leaning communities of believers that welcome all people
Make disciples of Jesus Christ
Serve like Christ through justice and mercy ministries.
May we embrace the challenge and learning of what this will really mean for us and may we rejoice in the opportunities for growth that will allow us to serve and love our neighbors in ways we never imagined. I am so ready to share in this challenge with you, and to bring hope to those who are seeking to know more about God through Jesus Christ. What a fulfilling journey of faith!
Pastor Harry